71% of individuals released from prison are rearrested within five years.
Since our founding in 2015, we have significantly reduced the reincarceration rate among our participants who have been released from prison in the last three years. We are the only program of our kind offering a holistic, integrated, and evidence-informed re-entry model.
News: Wells Fargo & South Carolina Center Announcement
Americans impacted by mass incarceration
That is nearly 1/3 of all Americans, making it one of the biggest societal issues we face as a country.
people with felony records in the United States
60% of justice-involved individuals are Black and/or Hispanic. Black men are six times more likely to be incarcerated than white men; Hispanic men are nearly three times as likely to be incarcerated than white men.
children have experienced parental incarceration.
Children who have experience parental incarceration are six times more likely to go to prison themselves. They are also more likely to experience depression, anxiety, low academic performance, school absenteeism, and homelessness.
Reincarceration is not a phenomenon.
Many factors lead to reincarceration.
The reincarceration crisis in our country highlights the staggering racial equity disparity within the United States. While Black and Hispanic Americans make up almost 30% of the U.S. population, they represent almost 60% of the prison population. Black men are six times more likely to be incarcerated than white men and Hispanic men are nearly three times as likely to be incarcerated than white men. This devastating cycle is perpetuated by systemic racism and many co-occurring factors such as childhood trauma and mental health and substance use disorders.
Most incarcerated individuals have experienced horrific trauma at a young age. As a result of being incarcerated, many experience cooccurring traumas as they return to their communities.
Approximately 80% of individuals in prison suffer from mental health disorders and 83% struggle with a substance use disorder.
With limited resources and funding, re-entry service providers typically only focus on one or two areas of need, leading to low success rates after prison.

Successful re-entry starts with healing.
The Concordance holistic, integrated and evidence-informed re-entry model brings together 12 essential services to address the inequities that lead individuals to commit crimes and return to prison. By first addressing an individual’s trauma and helping them begin their healing journey, we can better prepare them for a successful return to their community.
Behavioral Health & Wellness
Cognitive therapy, mental health, substance use programming, and physical health.
Education & Employment
HiSET® tutoring, digital literacy, job readiness, workplace simulation, and full-time work through the Concordance Employment Agency.
Community & Life Skills
Housing, legal services, family reunification, community and spiritual support.
We’ve significantly reduced the reincarceration rate among our participants who released from prison in the last three years.
Meet James
James was tired. Tired of going to prison. Tired of hurting himself and his family. For him, making a change started by asking Concordance for help.

What’s happening at Concordance?
Catch up on the latest news, participant spotlights, and more.
Statement from David L. Steward, Board Chair, Concordance and Susan Stith, Interim CEO, Concordance
We are saddened to learn of the passing of our founder and former Chairman, Danny Ludeman, after a courageous battle with pancreatic cancer.
Concordance Begins National Search For New CEO
Susan Stith Named Interim CEO.
Concordance Begins Operations in South Carolina.
Dave Steward Named Chairman of Concordance
Dave Steward, Founder and Chairman of World Wide Technology and Chair of Concordance’s First Chance campaign, has graciously agreed to assume the role of Chairman of Concordance’s Board of Directors […]
Your support will change lives.
Investing in Concordance will directly influence the trajectory of our participants’ lives, creating a ripple of positive change through their families and communities.