The research and literature which have informed the development of The Concordance Re-Entry Model are commonly focused on evidence-based practice, fidelity, quality, research, and outcomes. When applied to our program, these practices have incited recurring themes of conversations between our team members and participants which include trust, growth, healing, connectedness, and safety. The synchronicity of the science and art of our model has allowed for a space to be created in which sustainable healing takes place, hope is renewed, and lives are improved every day.
Concordance is a unique re-entry program that has remained dedicated to applying evidence-informed practices and approaches to meet the needs of re-entering individuals. Every aspect of The Concordance Re-Entry Model has been viewed through the lens of science and is backed by peer reviewed research. The approaches and interventions implemented as part of our model have been carefully studied and supported through rigorous evaluations supporting positive outcomes among similar populations to those served at Concordance. Fidelity to delivery of our re-entry model is constantly and carefully monitored to ensure a high-quality program experience for participants.
Our model is unique in that it was intentionally designed with expansion in mind. It is a ready-made solution to address the needs of communities across the country. Every policy, procedure, and practice were considered in terms of ability to scale, setting Concordance apart from many other service providers.
Within this thoughtfully designed programmatic framework is the art of The Concordance Re-Entry Model – the immeasurable but equally important components of work being done at our St. Louis Center. Inside our Center buzzes a team of compassionate, skilled, and dedicated team members, working alongside participants day after day as they experience their transition to the community. Each participant is assigned a support team comprised of a Case Manager, Therapist, Career Coach, and Peer Support Specialist, who smile, listen, and model patience. Their authenticity and commitment help to eliminate barriers to trust, allowing participants to engage in therapy, process trauma, and simply be honest with themselves for the first time in their lives. By creating an environment where vulnerability and accountability go hand in hand, participants demonstrate their resilience and begin their healing journey alongside a team of caring professionals, resulting in personal growth for all involved.