St. Louis

We have two locations in the St. Louis area — one is our new national headquarters office and the other is our St. Louis Center, offering programs and services for our participants.

National Headquarters

6 CityPlace Drive
Suite 522
St. Louis, MO 63141


Concordance Center Exterior

St. Louis Center

1845 Borman Court
St. Louis, MO 63146


Program Participants


Reduction in Reincarceration


Employment Partners


Picture of Participant Smiling


Concordance Class 6

“I’ve waited for this opportunity for over two decades, to prove myself worthy of being a productive member of society.”


Concordance Class 11

“From the beginning to the end, Concordance was supportive in showing me how to set my mind frame to get back into society.”

Holiday Shopping Event

November 23-december 9

Using the funds donated by individuals like you, the Concordance team purchases toys for the annual Holiday Shopping Event. Concordance Participants are then invited to purchase those toys at affordable prices for the children in their lives.

What’s happening in St. Louis?

Catch up on the latest news, participant spotlights, and more.

Care Team Interview for National Recovery Month

St. Louis

Interview of five members of the Concordance care team, who in their different functions, serve our participants during their post-release journey

Wells Fargo to Provide up to $60 Million to Concordance National Expansion Efforts


COLUMBIA, S.C. — Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. is supporting a national expansion of Concordance, a nonprofit with a proven record of reducing repeat criminal offenses from individuals returning to the community. […]

Concordance Names Susan Stith to Its Board of Directors 

News Press Releases

Concordance, a CARF-accredited re-entry non-profit headquartered in St. Louis, announced that Susan Stith, former Vice President, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion at Cigna and President of the Cigna Foundation, has joined […]

Proven Programming

Our re-entry model offers the first set of holistic, integrated, and evidence-informed services in the country.

Create a new legacy.

Investing in Concordance will directly influence the trajectory of our participants’ lives, creating a ripple of positive change through their families and communities.